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  1. #1
    Starting to feel at home...
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    Apr 2014
    65 Times in 40 Posts

    Ontario daycare regulations-question!

    I have 3 kids of my own. 23 mos, 4, and 5.5yrs.

    My older two are in fdk.

    My question is:can I take two 1yr olds once my youngest turns 2??


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    213 Times in 145 Posts
    I would check with CICPO but...

    I believe you can. You have 3 of your own plus 2 daycare kids aged 1. All of your own kids count because they are under 6, unless you have daycare kids that only come 9-2 or whatever so there is no chance of overlap. They will also count during the summer until they are 6.

    You can have 5 total, including your own under 6 when not in school (before/after school, summer) once your youngest turns 2 that leaves two places open for under 2's.

    Clear as mud :/
    I would check with ministry to be sure.

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to Wonderwiper For This Useful Post:

  4. #3
    Starting to feel at home...
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    65 Times in 40 Posts
    Great, I thought so too... But once my oldest turns 6 in April, I should be allowed 3 daycare kiddos then?

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    161 Times in 110 Posts
    Yep, WW is right. Your 2yo counts no matter what. For your older kids, you have 2 options:

    1) take 2 one-year-olds and have your older kids count whenever they are home (before/after school, sick days, snow days, school breaks, etc), essentially limiting you to 2 dckids total, unless you find some that only need school hours and are willing to be flexible and not come whenever your kids are home, so basically, 2 dckids.


    2) take only 1 dckid under age 2, and your older two children will only count during the summer break. This would allow you to have 4 dckids total (1 under 2, 3 over 2, plus your own 2yo) BUT you wouldn't be able to keep 2 of them through the summer break. PLUS good luck finding 2 dckids that are over age 2 - I've had 2 spaces sitting open for months, and get almost daily enquiries for 1yo's. Everyone is in the same boat - the over 2 spaces are sitting open, while people are raising rates for the under 2's and getting 10 people wanting them.

    Once your oldest turns 6, they will no longer count in your numbers ever, so you could have 2 under 2's, your own 2yo, and one dck over 2, with your 4yo taking up the last space whenever they are present.

    Complicated much, hey!?
    Good luck.

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to CrazyEight For This Useful Post:

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