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  1. #21
    Starting to feel at home...
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    Oh my. I cannot even believe the entitlement of some people. I would be BEYOND furious.

    The fact that you had a conversation and she was well aware that she needed to pick up the child but still chose not too...assuming that you will pick up the slack and not caring about putting you and all those other kids at risk. There aren't even words.

    How did it go when they picked the child up? Please tell me that the termination was immediate.

  2. #22
    Starting to feel at home...
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    Looks like we posted at the same time.

    BOTH of them just happened to be in a meeting at the same time? When they had ample and multiple notice that they would have to pick their child up from school? I call BS.

    Good for you for standing your ground.

  3. #23
    Outgoing 33 Daiseys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lee-Bee View Post
    If she is anywhere near us then the city was coated in ice after frozen rain. The buses were all cancelled due to unsafe road conditions.

    As much as you should have left the child to teach the parents a lesson...the poor child. I can't imagine being abandoned. At least the child knows the caregiver cares enough to trek there on the ice with a bunch of little kids.

    As for the parents. Lesson learned they attempted to call the shots, knowing full well it was their duty to do the pick up. Knowing that you told them in the afternoon when they asked that you would not be doing pick up. They were unbelievably in the wrong to CHOSE to not pick their child up then CHOSE to not answer the phone when the school called. Horrible. I feel for those kids.

    The immediate termination is definitely called for. If their was any doubt what so ever about terminating prior to their stunt with not answering their phone there is no doubt what so ever now.
    Yes, the roads were horrible, and by 3:00 they still had not salted the roads or side walks. I feel for the kids, always have. They are the type of parents who had kids just to say they are parents. They pawn he kids off all the time weekends, three nights a week ect.
    I really am starting to despise these gym junkie parents. Kids sick - who cares i have a class, kids reticle - no way yogas more important, kid falls at the park and spilt their lip - screw them have to get to my spinning class.
    Like what was the point in having kids??????????
    I have cried more then once over this, and i think that's why i have stuck it out so long. And in regards to the school age boy, I think his behaviours stem from bouncing around and never actually having quality time with parents.
    Darn i'm crying again just thinking about it.
    Last edited by 33 Daiseys; 02-03-2016 at 09:08 PM.

  4. #24
    Outgoing 33 Daiseys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flowerchild View Post
    Oh my. I cannot even believe the entitlement of some people. I would be BEYOND furious.

    The fact that you had a conversation and she was well aware that she needed to pick up the child but still chose not too...assuming that you will pick up the slack and not caring about putting you and all those other kids at risk. There aren't even words.

    How did it go when they picked the child up? Please tell me that the termination was immediate.
    Yes, I had all their things bagged at the door notice in the sons back pack. What really pushed me over the edge to be honest is the fact that my husband got a huge raise in December (Enough that i now no longer HAVE to work), and I think knowing that I don't need the money allowed me to stand my ground. Don't get me wrong I have spent years building this business, creating a name for my self, and am proud to do this. I don't think that there is anything that I would want to do. Sorry for

  5. #25
    Outgoing 33 Daiseys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snowmom View Post
    So, let me get this straight.
    She expected you to get dressed, get all the other kids you care for dressed, and risk everyones safety's in bad weather conditions to retrieve her child and all WALK back?

    Nice mom.
    Yes she did. This is the same mom that drove the kids to me in a snowstorm so she could go to the gym a few years back.

  6. #26
    Euphoric !
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    so they show up today ? or have they contacted you ? Im glad you booted them

  7. #27
    Outgoing 33 Daiseys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crayola kiddies View Post
    so they show up today ? or have they contacted you ? Im glad you booted them
    No they did not show up today, but i got a text las night from the mom saying that they were very very sorry, please would i give them another chance ect. I didn't respond because it was like 10 at night and I was out( I met a friend and we were at chapters) and I really try to not text or talk on the phone when upset as you can say in anger something you would later regret. I am going to take the morning, and call her on my break.
    Honest suggestions welcome Please and Thank you

  8. #28
    Euphoric !
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    I say you need to stand by your decision. That is the only way people like her get their crap together. I really think by you picking up the child was a wrong move and I would have left it to the school to deal with them but that is just me. You did in fact pick up the child, terminated family immediately then stick to your decision.

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to mickyc For This Useful Post:

  10. #29
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    What Mickyc said exactly! You made the decision to terminate. It's done, move on.

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to Wonderwiper For This Useful Post:

  12. #30
    Starting to feel at home...
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    They spoke to you THAT VERY AFTERNOON and you said that per your contract you were not picking their child up from school. Despite this, they chose to leave their child at school thereby endangering you and the other children.

    The disrespect of that situation is so incredibly disgusting. If they do not respect you, you need to respect yourself. Stand by your decision. Do not take them back.

    Tell them that you cannot work with someone who obviously disrespects you and who you cannot trust. Tell them that it would have been within your rights to refuse to pick up the child as you had been abundantly clear with them that you were unable to and that in that case the school would have called Children's Aid.

  13. The Following User Says Thank You to flowerchild For This Useful Post:

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