I have taken in a friends two children which was a total blessing but mistake at the same time. I have a contract and she has signed it and agrees to it all. But because we are friends there have been times that I have let a few things slide (pickup and drop offs mainly). I have been noticing earlier drop off and later pick ups. For example her husband and her alternate drop off times so if he drops off he is almost 45 minutes later drop than her. This morning usual drop off for her is 6:15-6:20 and she was here at 6:05. She works about 20mins away that's even stopping for a coffee and she starts at 7. Just making my days that much longer. She does stop sometimes after work to pick up groceries too. So now her contracted hours originally were 9hours but it's now sneaking up into the 10hour mark. So how do I approach this without ruffling too many feathers?