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    Anxiety issues with language skills- repeating words to excess

    Hello everyone,

    I have a very small dayhome. I currently watch a 4 year old and have my own 19 month old home with me. The 4 year old has some anxiety. When she first started none of this was mentioned by the Mom. I had to ask if some of her behaviour was new or what I could do about it. Then she would decide to tell me about it. Anyway, after the little girl started I noticed she would say "Ribbet" every few words. Also if I asked her questions such as can you wash your hands before lunch "Ribbet". I counted once she said it 86 times. I asked her why she said it and she said its because she is a frog. So I left it alone. Then after about 2 weeks she switched it to "cricket". Now she says "cricket" every few words.

    My oldest daughter who is in school but plays well with the DCG afterwards told me she thinks its annoying and that she tells the DCG to stop it. I scolded her for this and advised her not to talk badly about the DCG. The DCG starts school in the fall.

    Today I mentioned it to the Mom. I just asked her if why the DCG said it at home or if they noticed it. She said it was an anxiety thing and must be only when she is here. I said it's whenever I ask her to wash her hands or to help pick up the toys before lunch. She "oh ok well she told me that your daughter said she thinks it's annoying or irritating and if she tells her that she will keep doing it". I said ok and explained I had talked to my oldest about pointing out the behavior. Then the Mom said bye and the DCG said "cricket" 3 times in response. Then the Mom was like "ok we need to work on this they don't like it when you say that honey".

    What can I do to get the DCG to stop saying it? I have tried ignoring it but doesn't see to work.

    There are a few other things as well. When I take the girls places with me the DCG will hide under my coat to avoid talking to other people. Also she is fully potty trained but cannot wipe her bottom after pooping so I have to do it for her. In the beginning she was adamant about doing it herself but she missed quite a bit after a poop she ended up fishing the poop she did miss during quiet time and playing with it. The DCG has constipation issues so often the poops are very sticky. We use flushable wipes here but I guess she missed a bunch. I advised the Mom of this and she said "you always have to wipe her after poops". I apologized and assured her I always. I never had this issue with my oldest daughter so I am not used to it I guess.

    What am I doing wrong? Am I the reason she has anxiety?

    Any advice would be great. Thank you.
    Last edited by pinkspring331; 06-09-2016 at 03:09 PM.

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