
I have two 20 month olds along with older kids. The older kids no better than to hit so they are pretty good when it comes to this. 1 of the 20 month old has started hitting, pushing, and has tried to bite. Whenever this happens, I get down to eye level and firmly tell him that we do not hit. We say "no thank you" or "excuse me", etc. All done. Please show so and so some gentle touches to show them how you can be gentle. Most of the time, I do take the toy away depending on the situation. But he will still hit/push again and it happens 2 to 5 times a day. After the first time, he will hit again eventually and then do gentle touches right after but do it again eventually. Today, he hit the other 20 month old with a hard toy pretty hard on the head. I did give him a time out for that one. He is an only child and is not around other kids at home but his parents tell me that he does hit them and they firmly tell him that he cannot hit. I sometimes feel like my method isn't working and I don't want the other 20 month old starting to hit too. Is he too young for a time out?