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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2018

    Question 3 y.o. afraid of darkness

    Our 3 y.o. is afraid of darkness and too scared to sleep by herself
    We trained her well to use her own bedroom, but now it's all about screaming, screeching and crying. It started not so long ago. And I'm sure that it's not connected with scary movies, since we don't allow her to see anything inappropriate.
    And I understand her well, at her age I was terrified every night. DH got used to check under her bed for monsters and such, but I don't think it's helping. We even bought her a night light after reading other parents advices and reviews - but no success.
    I ran out of ideas.
    We can't sleep with her on daily basis, since I don't feel like it's a good solution.
    Last edited by amaranth; 10-26-2018 at 04:41 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Somewhere not warm enough
    102 Times in 74 Posts
    Try asking hey she is afraid, my kids were afraid of monsters, so I made monster spray

  3. #3
    We had the same problem with our 3 year old and believe it or not we use one of these.

    What we told him was that if someone walks by it, it would turn on and he would know that something was coming.

    And likely it was just myself or his mom, and he would be able to see because the light just pops on.

    Worked great!

  4. #4
    I had the same thing, but then a friend left me bottom at night on the street, and I had to go home. I thought that all the monsters of the world would eat me, but I got home. And then I realized that the night is just the absence of light, and the world around remains the same.

  5. #5
    My daughter had the same thing. Nothing helped until time passed. Only at 9 years old she stopped being afraid of the dark.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    Canada Toronto
    Perhaps this is a temporary phenomenon.
    My daughter had similar problems with dark.
    And they began after the child told her very scary tales. But with age, it passed.

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