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  1. #1
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    Having a baby and running a daycare - feeling scared


    Anyone here take only 2 weeks off approximately after giving birth and remain open? If yes, I would love to hear your experience and any advice you may have.

    Here is my situation. I am currently pregnant with my 2nd. I'm very early but fingers crossed that in October I will have a newborn while running the daycare. I'm very nervous about this as this will be my first baby born in my home daycare. I started my home daycare after my mat leave was done for my son. He is now 3.5 so he will be in school come September. I do have a plan. My mom will be living with us (as she lives out of town) from September and will be helping out/learning about running the daycare. She will be here in case I go into labour prior to me scheduled C section. She will also be living with us until the end of December helping out with the daycare and newborn. My husband is also self employed and will be able to help out with meals and clean up, etc. He is great with the kids as well. I plan on taking 2 weeks off post birth. I would love to take more time off to recover and bond with baby but with me being the main breadwinner in the family, I just can't afford to take more time off or risk losing a family.

    Does anyone have experience running a daycare with a newborn only a couple of weeks old? I know it won't be easy as I will be sleep deprived and recovering from c-section. My son was such an easy baby but I'm scared about this one being collicky. I would love to hear from some experienced ladies about what else I should expect. Do you have any tips for me?


  2. #2
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    Hi, you are a brave and strong woman. I haven't been in that situation but your worrines tells me that you're very responsible and you care for others.

    I see you're only taking two weeks (you do not have any sick days in your contract that you can probably also use?). also I'm sure if you really need more days parents will understand (obviously there isn't anything more important than your health and your baby's health)

    Having your mom and husband support will definitely help. Taking proactive steps will also help. I.e. can your mom and husband take your group for walks and/or spend at least 2 hrs at a park or playgroup with the group (that time can help you to stay and have a little break during the day or at least catch up with your sleep). Leave your daycare stroller organized (mine has: an attached bag and it has everything that I might need when I'm out with the group so I do not have to packi
    everyday). If you have a network (caregivers friends)try to introduce your mom and husband and let them know that they might be with your group from time to time, I'm sure they will be happy to guide and help too.

    Can the husband and you do early meal preps during the weekends so you do not stress every day thinking on what to prepare or cook (I do cook on the weekend and i leave it all ready to warm and serve it absolutely had made a huge difference, this allows me to focus just on my group and activities).

    Usually new borns sleep long periods of time (do not stress thinking that your's won't, practically you're passing that message to your baby now, they can sense it. Think positive tell to your baby that he/she will be safe and will be a happy baby and everything will be fine, if you can do some yoga also helps in passing and giving positive thoughts to babies in the whom).

    About collicky babies, you can read about it. I had a c-section and I remember my Dr. Told me to watch my diet because basically that would cause the collicks on my baby (first do not eat or drink things that can cause gas or things that can cause constipation ) there is plenty of information on the Internet read it and make a list. Having a balanced diet helped with healing faster. Try not to lift anything heavy the first month's, try to do the diaper changes on the floor as far as you interact with the group they will be fine (always think positive other ways children can sense it and feel threatened and start overacting or misbehaving to call your attention in a positive manner or negative too). Do not shift much of your attention just towards the baby. Make feel as any regular happy day.

    I'm sure your husband will be ok if you leave the baby from time to time with him (just leave milk ready), and everything organized. Your husband will also bond with your baby.

    I'm currently guiding a second time parents (and their situation is similar mom has to go back to work six days after giving birth in may) so the baby will basically stay with dad. Older child in daycare. And I will support as I can. The father has been asking a lot of questions lately so, we agreed he will join us. I will help some days here and there. I'll keep the baby here when the older sibling is out once or twice a week. Babies usually are happy when they're around other children. And also need a quiet space if they are over stimulated. .

    I hope all this inf. Helps. I'm sure it will all go well. Don't worry to much. Think positive. You have a great family support it will all go smooth. (A new baby always brings, happiness, hope aND joy;0))
    Last edited by Peacefulbird; 03-17-2019 at 07:57 AM.

  3. #3
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    I'm sorry for such long list. But also be ready sometimes in c sections producing milk takes time. Ask your doctors opinion if there is something you can do if that happens.

  4. #4
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    Thank you so much for your kind words Peacefulbird! I don't mind the long message at all. I'm grateful to get some insight. Your positivity is what I needed to hear. I have worked hard to build my business and am at a point where I am at capacity for awhile (although I may lose one family due to my baby) and haven't needed to advertise for awhile.

    My sick days never even came to mind as I have never taken one but that is a good idea. I would love to take 3 weeks. My policy is 15 personal days (7 paid and 8 unpaid) and unlimited unpaid sick days. I am working my way up to fully paid personal days by 2020. That's a work in progress though. One of my issues is that I already planned my personal days for the year so that the parents can plan their vacation days ahead of time. This was before I found out I was pregnant. I will have to change that now. I do want to be reasonable. Do you think I can take 10 personal days and 5 sick days pre-planned for post birth? That would make it 3 weeks in total and I would still have 5 personal days to use up during the year. I'm not sure how the parents will feel about this. I think taking 5 personal days and 10 sick days (leaving 10 personal days to use throughout the year) might be pushing it plus leaving me with less income.

    I like all of your suggestions. I can definitely get my mom and husband to do some days at the park. Also my daycare is in the basement. The kids are upstairs in the kitchen for meals. But other than meal times, they can be downstairs or in the back yard and I can be in our living room or bedroom during that time to have some alone time with baby.

    I also like the meal prep idea during the weekend. I will look into food to prevent a collicky baby. And no my husband doesn't mind getting alone time with baby either. I'm sure I will need a break at times myself. You are such a great support for those parents. I can't imagine having to go back to work after 6 days of giving birth but I understand everyone has to do with they have to do.

    I had a c-section with my son and had no problems producing milk. I was actually over producing. I know every birth and post pregnancy healing is different so we'll see what happens this time around and will plan for the alternative. My husband says to try not to plan every single detail and I think the unknown really stresses me out as I am such a planner and he is more go with the flow. I am lucky enough to have great family support. I'm sure everything will work out fine as well. Thank you so much again for your positive words.

  5. #5
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    As busy as it will be, at least you will be under the same roof as your baby even if you are occupied with other children, sounds like there will be plenty of loving arms to support the first while. I only wanted to suggest to start weeks or months prior to baby being born to fill your freezer with dinners that only need a fresh salad, rice, mashed potatoes, as an accompaniment. Hearty chilis, stews, soups, braised meats. Then just thaw in fridge day before. Best of luck

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by ebhappydc View Post
    As busy as it will be, at least you will be under the same roof as your baby even if you are occupied with other children, sounds like there will be plenty of loving arms to support the first while. I only wanted to suggest to start weeks or months prior to baby being born to fill your freezer with dinners that only need a fresh salad, rice, mashed potatoes, as an accompaniment. Hearty chilis, stews, soups, braised meats. Then just thaw in fridge day before. Best of luck
    That is so true. There are definitely pros and cons to running your own daycare. At least I get to raise my own. Also continuing to work does combat the isolation feeling that I had during mat leave and when I was very hormonal. I do see that there are bonuses to continuing to work with help. Cooking and freezing ahead of time is a great idea! Thank you!

  7. #7
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    Do you think I can take 10 personal days and 5 sick days pre-planned for post birth? That would make it 3 weeks in total and I would still have 5 personal days to use up during the year. I'm not sure how the parents will feel about this. I think taking 5 personal days and 10 sick days (leaving 10 personal days to use throughout the year) might be pushing it plus leaving me with less income.
    Hi. If it is in your contract and the families have signed and agreed then I do not see why they wouldn't accept that now. (Personally I think it is reasonable) but, also being fair with both sides (you and the families in your care) maybe you should send a letter to them giving them heads up way ahead so they can plan accordingly.

    Letting us know that you have builted a good reputation, it speaks positively of you, I honestly think families see and value that, especially seeing you interact with their children in a daily basis. I assume to find someone else and built trust is a process and takes time (it comes to choose), either wait for five extra days after your 10 personal days or find another homedaycare and start all over.

    In regards to more extra personal days, I would probably play that one by ear (you might really need them or you might not); as far as you're fair and use them as emergency days I thiNK it would be more understandably.

    My husband says to try not to plan every single detail and I think the unknown really stresses me out as I am such a planner and he is more go with the flow.*
    Yes, he's absolutely right, but sometimes dealing with children a little planing helps;0) as far as you have your basic supplies the rest will run smooth don't stress out too much.

  8. #8
    Euphoric !
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    Depends what you are defining a sick days. To me, a sick day means you have symptoms that you would exclude a child for having. Childbirth wouldn't fit my definition of a sick day. Annual leave/personal days, yes, those I agree could be taken but I think you'd be pushing it to use sick days. That said, I don't view sick days as something that should be used each year. They are there if I am actually sick (not my family, not for routine appointements). I guess it depends on what you define as a sick day.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suzie_Homemaker View Post
    Depends what you are defining a sick days. To me, a sick day means you have symptoms that you would exclude a child for having. Childbirth wouldn't fit my definition of a sick day. Annual leave/personal days, yes, those I agree could be taken but I think you'd be pushing it to use sick days. That said, I don't view sick days as something that should be used each year. They are there if I am actually sick (not my family, not for routine appointements). I guess it depends on what you define as a sick day.
    I see your point here. Here is my sick day policy. It is actually mixed in with bereavement but I do see what you are saying as I don't have anything specific about annual leave of maternity leave.

    "In the event that I am ill, there is an emergency situation, or a death in the family, the daycare will be closed. I will try my best to find a supply caregiver so that you are not inconvenienced. I will give as much notice as possible. However, illness of myself or my child can come on suddenly or emergency situations can occur unexpectedly, leaving very little notice, if any. I will notify you ASAP if I am unable to find a supply to care for your child. If I or my child have a simple cold the daycare will remain open, but you have the right not to bring your child for the day(s). However, please note that regular fees still apply for missed days your child is absent. In the event that my daycare is closed because of my child or myself due to illness or an emergency situation within my family, it will be unpaid days. Please note that there is no limit to these days. It is very situational. However, they will be taken within reason."

    What do you think? I'm really torn between this now. I think I know in reality I shouldn't take the sick days. I feel like I'm a little emotional about the situation now and kind of wished that I had this in my policy or am wishing that some how I can take it.

  10. #10
    Hello girls! I understand all your fears. They are understandable and natural for expectant mothers. I came across an article about teenage pregnancy. http://www.drmomma.org/2018/05/issue...ncy-essay.html Here is the scary thing. It seems to me that we need to raise this topic more often in schools and try to disseminate information ourselves.

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