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  1. #1
    Starting to feel at home...
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    Yey! The Day is Over!

    My last child just left, and it got me thinking, what do you ladies normally do as soon as your daycare ends?

  2. #2
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    Clean up, cry over my poor house and how messy it is while I vacuum, mop, wipe everything down

    then see if my own kids are doing their homework and feed them because they are no doubt complaining that they are dying of hunger

    and then trying to grab a few bites of food myself...maybe cook ahead for the next day

    Then if we have activities for my own kids (3 days a week) we rush out in a mad hurry.

    After a couple of hours - (like now) I manage to get online while trying to get my kids calmed down and into get-ready-for bed-time-is-coming mode and then I will head into the shower to wash the daycare germies away until tomorrow

    Later I fall asleep and analyze how the day went and what to serve and do tomorrow with the daycare.

    It is a glamorous life for me all thrills and whistles
    Last edited by Spixie33; 04-16-2012 at 06:17 PM.

  3. #3
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    HA! Start dinner for Mr.Grumpy.......

    more details? play with DD after cleaning up we watch some tv then bath & bed time for DD. More tv for DH and I or chill in the backyard before he goes to bed at 10 (has to be out the door at 5am) and I have some "ME" time, tidy up and bed. LOL

    Only Wednesday's have a twist when it's DD's swim class....We're pretty boring but now that the weather is getting better we'll go for ice cream or park visits after dinner.
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  4. #4
    Euphoric ! Inspired by Reggio's Avatar
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    To be honest - I try to have every thing 'cleaned up' daycare wise before the last kid leaves unless for some reason they all go home 'early' all at once .... I try to end they day outside' so that the playroom is cleaned up, the kitchen is cleaned up after snack cause I do that while they are 'attempting to be dressing' themselves and than come and help them as needed. However if we are inside as soon as I am down to 1-2 the playroom gets cleaned up are they are doing 'kitchen table' quiet activities while I do 'clean up' activities needed, do up my daily logs and so forth and at 4:30 if I have any children using 'extended hours' care they read a couple books at the kitchen table and I start prepping my dinner, complete my daily log of the day and check emails and so forth until they go home ... at 5 pm I finish cooking dinner and we eat.

    After dinner - dishes, laundry, personal hobbies until there is something on TV I might like to watch ... however joy of having no wee kids at home my nights are basically MINE
    Children construct their own intelligence. The adult must provide activities and context, but most of all must be able to listen. Children need proof that adults believe in them. Their three great desires are to be listened to, to understand, and to demonstrate that they are exactly what we expect."
    Loris Malaguzzi

  5. #5
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    While they are having their snacks I start washing up and tidy the toys, books etc. But it is useless as after snack they take toys back and start playing again So I kind a have to wait until everybodys gone so that I can clean, tidy the whole house.

  6. #6
    Euphoric !
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    I go directly upstairs to my bedroom and put on my jammies! Unless I have to out of course. Then I clean my house and watch tv and surf on the net and scrapbook and surf on the computer and basically goof off as much as I can.

    I vacuum every morning before the children arrive to make sure the cat hair is gone for the day. I get the children to help me clean up the toys before they go home. There is still enough to do every night including prepping for the next day.

  7. #7
    apples and bananas
    I try to have everything cleaned up before I close as well. My kids start to leave one at a time around 4, so as they leave we start cleaning up the daycare room. Then once it's cleaned, outside we go so it stays clean! (or to the craft table)

    Dishes are my husbands job at night, so as long as I do my share after lunch, he does the rest when he get's home.

    I also have a 9 year old daughter that enjoys helping, and she get's a special bump in her allowance for doing that.

  8. #8
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    Reggio, what is your daily log of the day?? Do you keep personal notes of how your day was, what you did, etc??

  9. #9
    Euphoric !
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    I too have everything done by the time the last child goes home. While I'm getting lunch ready the playroom is being tidied, while the kids are eating lunch I start the dishes, as each one finishes I wipe hands and face, change diaper. Once all are in bed I finish up any last few dishes, pick up any missed toys. My kids start leaving at 3 and I have about 15-20 between each departure so no toys come out, only puzzles or coloring. While the kids are sleeping I get my own lunch read the paper and get my dinner going so when the last child leaves we are eating within 15 mins. Then the evenings are for my own kids, if no extra curricular program then they enjoy being outside

  10. #10
    Euphoric ! Inspired by Reggio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mlc1982 View Post
    Reggio, what is your daily log of the day?? Do you keep personal notes of how your day was, what you did, etc??
    Yup ... I do not do 'what I did today sheets' for clients like some do but I do I keep an electronic log on the computer (allows me to do it in a small font and store on a 'disc' for tax reasons that takes up minimal space for those seven years we have to keep business crap) this is a 'habit' from working in centre care - a daily log is mandatory in the Day Nursery Act.

    I track for my own personal reflection - this is never 'shown' to clients:

    Attendance (who was here and drop off and pick up times so that these match my 'contracts' in an audit as well as my income claimed in regards to days open verses closed in a year for shared space and so forth)

    Program tidbits (if we went on a field trip - where for tracking KM use of vehicle or any cost associated with it that I have a receipt for, if we did something 'consumable' that there is a receipt somewhere for aka creative art, science, baking, sensory as that extra proof or balance and check so to speak)

    Meals and Snacks served (again to match 'receipts' on file in an audit but also to be able to use as reflection if a child has 'behaviour changes' or 'allergic reaction' to look back at what was served also 'note' if a child refused something on any given day or ate an 'abnormal' amount - no note means that everyone ate normally for them)

    Rest / quiet time of children (this is should a change occur with a child rest patterns and parent want to know if they are sleeping enough or if they are sleeping more is it because they are 'coming down' with something as a pattern of behaviour)

    Washroom notes (again for tracking 'changes' in children's BM habits or potty training success / failures cause an increase in accidents of a potty trained child could mean 'urinary' track infection or what not or constipation could also be in relation to FOOD ALLERGY and so forth )

    Accidents / Incidents in program (again this is both for reflection as well as in a child is having serious 'accident prone' is it due to balance issues or if 'behaviour' incidents become consistent or a pattern develops can use my log to reflect what did they 'eat' that day, how did they sleep and so forth to get a 'better picture')

    Medications - what child, what given, how much, comments ... this is also great for reflection if needed if you notice a child has chronic ear infections is there a pattern to what was eaten before hand or sleep patterns change before hand and so forth.

    Messages from parents or other noteworthy things (this is where I would record if a child had an been to the Dr, if a child disclosed something that 'happened' at home I might want to remember later or monitor if a pattern emerged, any 'conversations' with parents I might want to remember later about having discussed behaviour of their child or whatever.
    Children construct their own intelligence. The adult must provide activities and context, but most of all must be able to listen. Children need proof that adults believe in them. Their three great desires are to be listened to, to understand, and to demonstrate that they are exactly what we expect."
    Loris Malaguzzi

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