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  1. #1
    Euphoric !
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    It's Baaaack......yippee.


    For those who are interested, a few people on FB are trying to form a coalition against Bill 143. It's a group based out of Ottawa of home providers, just like us, who want to put together a more cohesive plan to deal with this as a group, rather than a a scattered bunch of angry people spinning our wheels. For anyone who's interested, contact Heidi Higgins on FB.


    She's working on a FB site and is hopeful that it will be up and running today. I'll keep you posted on anything else I hear. I think this is a really, really good idea. We need a solid plan of action to get this sorted. This time, we can see it coming so can put something really effective together. This site is different than Providers against Bill 143 in that it's sole purpose is to communicate and put something together with as many voices as possible...not to just go in and complain to each other.

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  3. #2
    Starting to feel at home...
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    Can I ask you a question? I honestly don't know this answer and would like a different view point other than my own.

    Why are private day homes so against this Bill? Up until now I have always ran a licensed day home. However, we are expecting baby #2 and because of the limitations for the child:age ratio and the fact that as a licensed provider my own children count into my numbers I have had to make the decision to leave my agency otherwise I would have to terminate one of my amazing families.

    I see the agencies desire to push this bill as they (or at least my agency liaison) has expressed that they would like to at least be on the same regulations as the private day homes in regards to numbers as they are regulated by regular visits and such where there is no one consistently making sure that those standards are kept up in private day homes. From what I understand, if this Bill is passed then licensed day homes may have child:age ratios changed as well as the possibility of not having their own children count in their numbers and be allowed to care 6 children rather 5. I also know that if a private day homes gets caught going over their numbers then the fines will be pretty hefty as well. (I could be totally out in left field with my info as well as this is just what I have read and from what our agency has told us)

    What my question is, is how else will the private day homes be affected? And why are private day homes so against Bill 143?

    Thanks for your enlightenment and sorry for highjacking your post

  4. #3
    Euphoric !
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    Depending on where you live the rules are different. I am in Ontario and to be licensed I need to be with an agency. To be with an agency then I give them a portion of my fees. Why would I want to pay them when I am doing fine on my own?

    I also like working for myself, I do not want an agency telling me which clients to take and not having the power to terminate a client if I feel this is the best option.

    I would be licensed (and pay a yearly licensing fee, have my daycare inspected etc) if I could do so without joining an agency.

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  6. #4
    Expansive... Artsand crafts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by godsgirl View Post
    Can I ask you a question? I honestly don't know this answer and would like a different view point other than my own.

    Why are private day homes so against this Bill? Up until now I have always ran a licensed day home. However, we are expecting baby #2 and because of the limitations for the child:age ratio and the fact that as a licensed provider my own children count into my numbers I have had to make the decision to leave my agency otherwise I would have to terminate one of my amazing families.

    I see the agencies desire to push this bill as they (or at least my agency liaison) has expressed that they would like to at least be on the same regulations as the private day homes in regards to numbers as they are regulated by regular visits and such where there is no one consistently making sure that those standards are kept up in private day homes. From what I understand, if this Bill is passed then licensed day homes may have child:age ratios changed as well as the possibility of not having their own children count in their numbers and be allowed to care 6 children rather 5. I also know that if a private day homes gets caught going over their numbers then the fines will be pretty hefty as well. (I could be totally out in left field with my info as well as this is just what I have read and from what our agency has told us)

    What my question is, is how else will the private day homes be affected? And why are private day homes so against Bill 143?

    Thanks for your enlightenment and sorry for highjacking your post
    For me it all goes down to the bottom line. Why should I give a cut of my hard earn money to an agency for doing nothing and this is what the bill is trying to do, pushing dcproviders with young children to join agencies.

    I worked my first year with an agency and then I went private. Agency charged parents with infants $42. When kids got older they charged $37. I received $35/day per infant and $25/day for older toddlers and I had to open from 7AM to 6PM.

    Now I open from 8AM to 5PM and charge $50/day, when parents need care up to 5:30PM they pay $57.50/day instead.

    With what was left after the agency took his cut and all dc expenses I was making less that someone working at Tim Hortons. This is a labor intensive job and you have much more responsibilities and liability than some other jobs, then why should we be working for pennies.

    Also age restrictions are an issue. I have had up to 4 kids under 2 at a time and feel pretty good managing the group. Most families looking for care are for 12mo, after Mat leave. It's harder finding older kids to fill up spots.

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  8. #5
    Euphoric !
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    If licensed I'd be making about 25dollars less per child per day

    There is no way I can run my daycare for the amount licensed providers make
    When I was about to open and looked into it to fill my last few spots the licensing lady told me not to bother if I had families willing to pay my fees

    I don't know how you manage to feed the kids, heat the daycare, furnish it and buy all the toys and materials

    My daycare is completely separate of my family area, it costs a lot to furnish and 6 months in I have a ways to go yet

  9. #6
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    To answer your question godsgirl, aside from the major cut in pay we would take after signing on with an agency, the age restrictions would probably make it near impossible to make a decent living. The 2 under the age of 2 rule specifically would hit us hard. In the three years I have been in business maybe 5% of enquiries have been for kids aged 2 and up and the rest has all been for 12 mo. And for me, what always ends up happening is I lose them around 18 mo-2y because mom goes on mat leave with baby no 2 and I am back to the drawing board, filling a space for a 12 mo and honestly so far I always have at least 2 under 2 if not more. Our age range is already restricted to 12mo to 3-4 years....I don't understand why they want to restrict us further. Not to mention they would be cutting so many already needed spots for infants, where on earth are parents going to go?

    The whole thing makes no sense on so many levels, I am just hoping that SOMEBODY in gov wakes up and smells the coffee.

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  11. #7
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    And I don't understand why agencies think they should be on the same playing field as us in terms of oversight...if oversight is what parents want, they are free to go to an agency. But the truth is many parents choose home daycare because they themselves are more than capable of checking in on us and making sure things are going smoothly. I agree that numbers and ratios are pretty inconsistent and they should be the same across the board. Right now it's extremely confusing for parents and the general public.

  12. #8
    Expansive... Artsand crafts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fun&care View Post
    \But the truth is many parents choose home daycare because they themselves are more than capable of checking in on us and making sure things are going smoothly.
    I totally agree. Also the monthly visits I had from the agency inspectors were a joke. If I was a parent I would not be impressed with those "inspections".

    I had 2 different inspectors over that year, because the first one was promoted, but they both seated on their butts during their inspections and asked me what I did during the month with the children and they filled out the parents report that looked like the inspector was actually seeing what was happening. The second inspector was very annal about me filling the daily log where I was supposed to write down what was happening everyday (which I hate it and found it just a waste of time). The only safety inspection they did was pushing the smoke detector button almost every time they visited, which my hubby does now for me for free and without me having to hand him out 30% of my salary

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  14. #9
    Euphoric !
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    My issues with agencies are the massive pay cut in exchange for, from what I've seen, rather lack lustre oversight and support. I've been in a local agency approved home. That's all I needed to see. It was dirty, in disrepair, stunk of cigarette smoke. I know there are loads of great ones, but the fact that this one was approved, to me, nullified the entire foundation of the agency cause. I'm happy to have some oversight, but I'm not willing to pay 30% for it. If I wanted to live in poverty, I'd go back to working in daycare centres, lol....I've honed my owned business savvy and enjoy running the whole show myself. I don't want someone else picking my clients, setting my fees, sorting my schedule or maintaining my menu. I have all my own equipment, post secondary education in the field and have got my business to the point where it's in demand, successful and enjoyable. Why in heaven's name would I pay someone else now for work I've already done...better than they have for that matter?! Crazy!

    And I don't like the 2 under 2.....2 under 18 mos is much more reasonable.

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  16. #10
    Euphoric !
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    Here's the link for the Coalition of Independent Childcare Providers of Ontario


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