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  1. #1
    Starting to feel at home...
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    Llyodminster Alberta
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    Question Need advice on two daycare kids??

    So I have one DCG 18 months. Will go down for a nap.. I start nap at 12:30 because it takes about 30-60 mins for everyone to get to sleep.

    So this little girl will go down but will goof off for about 30 minutes she's usually asleep by 1-1:15.. Then she wakes up at around 2-2:30 and wakes everyone else up. Her sister sleeps in the same room as hero does my son. She crawls out of her play pen, the crib. Dissent matter where put her she crawls out die sent matter if I'm constantly checking on her she's out and making a mess of my sons room.. I am starting to get really fed up with this.

    Any suggestions.. I don't know what to do she just will not listen.. I've been thinking of terming, but I really like mom and funding two more kids to fill spots would really take a hit to my income. I'm already trying to fill my 1 last vacant spot.

    KIDDO #2

    Little DCB.. Very cute. But I have been finding at times he is not very social, it feels like he cries at the drop of a hat. Another child pushes him takes a toy from him ever. He will just sit there and bawl.. Next, whenever I leave the room( grab juice, go to the bathroom,ext) he cries bloody murder. The only time he is fine is if I'm in the room and hexane see me. He is about 16 months. And has been with me for almost 3 months. I like the parents and they are paying me a little extra to care for him because I was hesitant and said so at the interview ( because of his age).. I'm starting to really regret my choice here, I'm not sure what to do it feels as if he is always crying.. He would rather sit with me all day then wander around, it's like he always wants me to hold him. I'll give the occasional cuddles and kisses but not all day long..

    Any advice on what I can do to make these situations better??

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I have children up to 2 years old in sleep sacks. They can't climb out of a pack n play that way. I also have each child in a separate room with fans on, so they cannot disturb each other.

  3. #3
    Euphoric !
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    Awhile back I had a 22 month old boy start with me.... He would climb out the the playpen as well and start playing with my sons stuff ... So here's what I did and it worked ..... When I put him in bed I said with a stern voice and mean face "no climbing out" then I shut the door and listened and as soon as I heard he feet hit the floor I swung the door open and swooped in picked him up and put him back in bed and said " I said no climbing out" , again I shut the door and waited till he did it again. After a week he never climbed out. I have all my daycare kids sleeping in separate bedrooms with fabs running so there is no chance of them bothering anyone else . I also put this particular child down last during this phase so I was able to stand outside the door for as long as needed. Is there any way you can separate these kids so they sleep alone. I have a play pen in each one of my bedrooms.
    For the boy I would just ignore him and not give in to his crying and tell him to ho play or maybe put him in his high chair with a few toys or in a play yard with toys out of the way maybe he is feeling overwhelmed by the activity level ..... Is he full time?

  4. #4
    Euphoric !
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    A video monitor with a voice option so that you can tell child to lay down as soon as they stand up can work wonders because they hear your voice but can't see you.

    Other option is to put playpen right near you so you can do what you want to do during naptime while telling child to stay put. Whether they nap or not is immaterial as the purpose is to learn to stay put.

  5. #5
    apples and bananas
    Exactly what I was going to say Playfelt! A video monitor with 2 way voice. I have one and I don't know what I ever did without it. It cost me about $200 and it does 4 cameras, that's $50 bucks a sleep area and well worth it. There is nothing funnier then when you give that command through the monitor and they don't know where it came from. They flatten like pancakes. lol

    Aside from that, when I have a child crib jumping I spend a few days with the crib on the main level. I'm able to put the child back in the crib as soon as they try to get out. I have a daycare room that can be closed off for napping. This is how I train my new ones to sleep here as well. Once they get the hang of it then they move back upstairs. It screws up my quiet time for a few days, but I know it's only a few days and I prepare to have my quiet time screwed up, so I'm ready for it.

    In regards to the crying child. I'd just deal with the crying. Continue to let him know that he's ok and if he'd like to come play he can, if he wants to sit and cry then that's his choice. I would sit close to comfort but rarely pick up. They need to learn that this is the way things are done at your house. Give it a few weeks and if he still isn't getting the point I might consider terminating just because it doesn't seem that he's doing well with you. Maybe not a good fit.

    I hate crying children, but sometimes you just have to have a lot of patience and push through it. It's their only way to communicate. We just need to teach them other ways.

  6. #6
    Starting to feel at home...
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    I think the advise for the climbing out child has been covered well as for the cryer- I have (had) one too! I think sometimes it is a "first child" syndrome my dkb was very sucky and clingy. I found ignoring the behaviour worked really well. Not to the point of hysterics- I would never let it go to that. but when he was trying to climb up my leg to hold him I would just walk away and not acknowledge him. It took about a week, but he now plays really well on his own. He is also a child who's parents would run the second he would fall and make a whimper. He learned really quickly I don't run at the drop of a hat- you need to really hurt yourself for me to come running (don't get me wrong please- but I think we all know those children who do the cry for attention because of a tap... I still give lots of hugs for owies!). I think basically it is Ignore the bad/unwanted behaviour, reward the child when they are doing what you would like.

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