Agreed - the families have no business knowing what you charge the others, nor do you have any reason to feel guilty. The first family I signed on pays ten dollars a day less than my other families, but nobody knows that, and I would never hike their rate, as they helped me start my business.

Reggio, I will NEVER get myself into this type of arrangement again either. It's complicated, and the family is often confused with which days he is supposed to be here, etc. Just way too much hassle, and yeah, it has ended up costing me about $100 a week, to be honest, as my flex family never has a set schedule, and I can't take on another part timer to coincide with my free days. Ah well, lesson learned. Dck is wonderful, as is his family, so I can't really begrudge him the space or the time.

Also, $65 is my part time fee. I don't charge that for my full timers. It's the going rate in my area. I guess I could charge less, but really...why would I do that?? lol