So, I would appreciate some input from you ladies. I feel I know what must be done, but I am hesitating for various reasons.
I have posted recently about one of my dcks who doesnt want to sit in her booster at meal times. Well, I have gotten her to eat, but must put one piece of food on her tray at a time, otherwise it gets thrown. This doesn't work all the time, but at least she isn't starving here.
Here's my issue. When she originally started in January, it took her a good month and a half to "settle". She still had off days, but for the most part I did not have to be in her line of vision. If I brought her to the downstairs play area, she would immediately cry. If I had to leave the room for any reason (take my daughter to the potty etc), she cried. If I give her her blankie to hold at all times, she is fine for the most part, without it she cries. She will play on her own, but she will at times just sit or lie on her blankie apart from the other children.
She was sick two weeks ago and was not with me for 5 days (weekend included). Since she has come back, it's like she is starting all over again. Cries throughout the day, won't eat and today she threw a tantrum because I put her down for nap. I could hear her screaming and kicking her feet for 20 minutes. I went in twice to check on her to make sure she didn't need a diaper change or anything else, but she was just mad.
Im beginning to get very frustrated and stressed out when she is here. I'm not sure I can do anything different to make her settle in.The only way she is going to not cry is if I hold her all day every day and I am not willing to do that. I am going to talk to her mother today at pick up to see if we can come up with a plan.
Some part of me believes that she can get better, but at what cost? I don't really want to get rid of her as I need the income, but then my sanity is more important... ugh....what to do?! Oh, and thanks for letting me get this off my chest.