Is anyone else frustrated with the regulation that does not allow day care providers to gather in their own home with more than 5 day care children present? I am trying to see how this is going to work. I sometimes feel very isolated as a provider and would like to have a friend with other children over sometimes and vise versa. I find that my parents want their children to interact with other kids but am not sure how to make this happen.

There is a play group in our neighborhood in a church however I have found in the past that playgroups for day care providers feel so unsafe. Lots of kids and not all the providers are with their children. They are often sitting together eating snack and having coffee. Not to mention the germs with 20 -30 kids in one room - yuck. For me to the local play group is quite far to walk, once we get there it's often time to go home for lunch or a nap.

It is -30 here some days in the winter so meeting a parks outside is not really an option.

What are other people doing? Ignoring the rules or being alone?
