Okay, I need some advice/encouragement.
I have been caring for twin boys since January. They really are sweet and easy to care for except for the fact that they both bite! It got really bad with one of them for a while, and then I cracked down on him and it got better, however, it seems that within the last two weeks (just about the time a new child started) that the biting has increased and both of them are doing it now.
Nothing really triggers them it seems. They bite when they are frustrated that someone is trying to take their toy, but other times they will just bit for no reason. I have started to keep them contained more when I can't keep my full undivided attention on them, but it is honestly draining now that I have to keep my eyes on both of them. I do not trust them one little bit near any of the other children.
Also, my own son has just started to try and bite me and his sister. I've been on top of him, so hopefully I can stop it before it becomes a problem. I know my son is being influenced by the twins, but not that I can really say that to their parents.
What I'm really worried about is that I have another little one starting next week pt, and that they will go for him too.
I really don't know what to do. I feel like they are constantly going to be segregated from the other children for their biting. Nothing I'm doing really seems to "get" to them so that they understand what they are doing is wrong.
How long would you put up with this for? I don't really want to terminate them, as they are easy to care for, but it is exhausting to deal with.