I've had this family since January. They have been coming 3 days/week and now mom just got a job and her son (14 mos) will be starting FT. Since she will be sending her son full time now, she asked me yesterday if she can stay for 3 hours in the morning with her son on Monday to see his behaviour - how he plays with the other kids, what he does when I do stories/songs, etc. Do you allow this in your daycare? If the family was new, I'd have no issues having the parent visit while the child is transitioning, but this child has settled well and frankly, I'm opposed to her visiting. I feel I've done a lot of favours for this family - holding the FT spot (mom got laid off and couldn't start FT as hoped), allowing her in my daycare in the beginning so that she could breastfeed (she would come in, breastfeed, and leave), picking him up early for a doctor's appt and then dropping him back off in my care.

So what would you do? What would you say? She said she preferred if she could watch us over skype because she thinks her presence will affect her son's behaviour.