So this morning is raining and I think I have actually done my dckids a disservice as we spend so much time outside, they get pretty rowdy when stuck indoors. We did all kinds of stuff but it was not pretty at times, heh heh.

My one dcb (AKA the screecher) I am warned at drop off that he hasn't been sleeping well and was sick over the weekend. She said he is better now but was up all night, thinks it's teething. She was clear with me to call her if he isn't doing well and she will come and get him. I am thinking, OK doesn't have a fever now but had no sleep, let's see how this goes. He was OK but a little off. Started crying for mom but went down for nap OK, woke up from nap and started screaming for his mom. Now this isn't abnormal for this kid (his mom already got warned he had 2 wks to adjust to routine or look for care elsewhere) but he woke up everyone and now they are all a mess. I had wanted to plan all kinds of fun stuff for the afternoon but now that's out the window.

Sometimes I think I have the best job and others days (like today) I wish I could give myself a pink slip.