So I have a parent who wants her 2 year old (yes, 2!!) to stop napping. The mom thinks this is the reason she is staying up late and not sleeping. I disagree but what can I do? The past 2 daycare days this mom has kept her child home until lunch because she hasn't slept well the night before so she is letting her sleep in. I have suggested a routine might help better but this is a young mom (20) and she just does what she wants.

So my question is....what kind of activities do you do with your non napping children? I currently have a 3.5 year old who doesn't nap and that is when I allow her to watch tv or we work on preschool stuff. I don't want the 2 year old watching that much tv though so I am looking for different ideas. I allow them quiet toys, books and puzzles but they get bored of this so I am looking for new fun ideas! Thanks!!