This situation happened on Friday, but it still frustrates me everytime I think about it. So recently, (about 3 weeks ago) I hired an assistant to strictly walk the b/a school students to and from school. She has her own 2 kids that take the bus (with my dcb) and then she walks to the school with my son and other dck. The total trip is about 15 minutes, from the time she leaves her house (directly across from mine) to the time she gets back home.

Anyhow, on Friday, buses were cancelled, so my bus child stayed home. But my walking kid still came to daycare. And she never showed up. No call. No email. Heck, she could of run across the road and knocked on my door.

I guess she assumed that the buses were cancelled so she did not have to show up, but she KNOWS that I am paying her to bring my WALKING children to school to. The whole reason I hired her was because it is really hard for my preggers self to push the double stroller through the unplowed pathways.

Grrrrrr.......I do not know what to do or how to address her. I have my opinion, and hubby has his.