Just wondering what you lovely fellow care providers include in the square footage calculation when calculating writeoffs of your utilities, etc.
I was thinking about spaces such as the hallway, stairwell, and foyer. First of all, these are spaces that are used both by my family and child care, so I would only count the time that my child care is in operation. However, they are in use on and off all day, and need to be available pretty much at any point during the child care day for different uses (pick up, drop off, going up and down from the playroom, going in and out for outdoor play, etc.). So would you count that square footage for the full child care day, ie. 9 hours, because that space needs to be available for the full day, or just the certain part of the day that they are ACTUALLY in use, ie the time actually spent in that space?
For other rooms in my house, that are only used for naptime, I am only counting the part of the day that the room is being used for child care.
Or am I being a little too detailed in my calculation here... it's my first time doing my own taxes :-)
Thanks all in advance!