Hello there.

2 years ago during transition in ownership in a smallish town area with about 2000-4000 households, a bad reputation was developed. The primary reasons as I've found out was both due to some latent racism, gender discrimination (i'm male), and mishandling of the transition where one of the teachers was let out. I've learned all these things over the years from talking to various people.

I've sought to counter these things by having the main face of the school be a female with a bubbly personality who is very socially intelligent who is not of my ethnicity.

Unfortunately I recently had a family from the immediate area who visited for the tour, loved the environment, saw all the kids running around having fun, registered with deposit, and then suddenly pull out after I suspect talking to someone within that social circle. As a matter of fact, all my clients in the last 2 years have been from new people moving in from out of town/city, people not associated with the main social circle (very very few), and people who live in the surrounding areas outside of this town. Geography wise I am situated in the middle of the town but the town is being surrounded by expanding suburbia from a neighbouring city.

My location is excellent in terms of being situated on a main road. My centre is larger than most. We have excellent learning materials and learning environment, indoors and outdoors. We are much better at giving tours than before. I've also instructed the staff to take the kids out to the local park to give a face to people who might not phone in. Prices are competitive as well.

Overwhelmingly, the main thing that holds me back to 50% capacity (meaning I can barely pay my bills) is the latent bad reputation.

I am extremely short on cash at this moment so I can't do anything money intensive. Any suggestions or just any kind of commentary on my situation?

Also how long to wait it out for these types of situations?

Thanks a bunch.