I'm not sure what to do here. Same family, 3rd time a child has come with pink eye (over 6 months, so it's not continuous). Either it's not obvious til midday (when I realise I have cleaned their eye and the discharge returned), or they told me it was allergies (2nd instance) and I realized midday that it was not. This time the eye was a bit crusty in the am and mom apologized that she didn't wash her face-by 10am it was much worse, clearly red eye and yellow drainage.

The last 2 instances I had to close for a day after my own children got it (and refund all fees for that day as per policy). This time I sent a pic to mom through our app. It's the 1yo this time-who still mouths toys, so realistically, every child has already been exposed at this point in the day. Now what? Clean everything tonight and make the infected child stay home? Close for the day (at my expense) to deeply clean and to ensure everyone is home for the 3-day incubation period (and no one with symptoms can come on Tuesday)? And do I say anything further to the family that keeps getting it?

What would you do?