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  1. #1
    Starting to feel at home...
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    YOUR sleep habits

    There's lots of talk about kid's sleeping habits, but I'm interested to hear about your own! How much sleep do you get? What time do you get up in the morning? Do you require caffiene at the point? What about on the weekend--do you sleep in or keep things consistent?

  2. #2
    Euphoric !
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    I usually go to bed between 9:45 and 10:30 and my alarm goes off at 610 (during school year) and 620 (summer). I open at 6:45 .... I drink copious amounts of tea. On the weekends I usually sleep in one of the days and hubby gets the other. But last weekend and this weekend the kids talked dad into camping in the yard and so not only do I get the whole bed to myself but I get to sleep in for the whole weekend cause the kids get dad up early. I'm secretly hoping they sleep outside every weekend all summer ; )

  3. #3
    Starting to feel at home... Toregone's Avatar
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    I go to bed between 11:30 - 12:30 and I am up at about 5:50 since my first child comes at 6:30. I require lots of caffine. I try to get to bed earlier but it just never seems to work out. Every now and then I will take a 30 - 45 min snooze on the couch during the evening.

  4. #4
    Euphoric ! Inspired by Reggio's Avatar
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    Sleep is important to me ~ I have had issues as a young women with insomnia due to night terrors and sleep disruption due to pain when I herniated my disc back in 98 so ended up spending time in 'sleep clinics' learning better sleep habits cause it was seriously affecting me health, both physical and mental, only getting a few hours of sleep a night

    Unless a special occasion arises where we are out late I make sure to get 8 hours a sleep a night every night even on the weekends ... I am generally heading up to bed for 9pm and lights out for 9:30 after reading for a bit and my spouses alarm goes off at 5:45 and I get up at 6 am at the latest. Weekends we go to bed later and I tend to sleep in until 7am if I am lucky but generally I wake up automatically at 6 unless we were out really late!
    Children construct their own intelligence. The adult must provide activities and context, but most of all must be able to listen. Children need proof that adults believe in them. Their three great desires are to be listened to, to understand, and to demonstrate that they are exactly what we expect."
    Loris Malaguzzi

  5. #5
    Euphoric !
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    Usually watch the national news from 11-11:30 and feed daughter a bowl of cereal then off to bed. Up at 6:15 and first kids come at 6:30. Weekends bedtime about the same but try to sleep in as long as the body will allow which is rarely past 8:30.

    Lots of tea is the order of the day. Our daughter requires less sleep and sometimes has trouble falling asleep and/or is up early meaning we have to keep the same hours and then every few days she has a catch up day where she sleeps in although it is rarely on a weekend so we can do it too.

  6. #6
    Euphoric !
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    I start work at 8am so I get to sleep until 7:30 every morning now and I'm loving it. I do have one child whose Mom works different hours every week so sometimes I have to get up at 7 and work at 7:30 for a week, but not too often. I am NOT a morning person.

    I usually head to bed at about 10pm and read for an hour or two until my eyes close because I am not a good sleeper. When I sleep 6 hours straight it's good because usually I sleep a couple of hours, lay awake for a couple of hours and then sleep for a couple of hours and I always feel tired.

    Like Crayola, I need copious amounts of tea every morning.

  7. #7
    Starting to feel at home...
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    I start at 7:30 right now, so I'm usually up between 6:30 and 7:00. I'm in bed around 11 and then read for 1/2 hour or so. I not a tea/coffee drinker, but I do have a glass of coke each day to keep me going.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    My 11 month old just started sleeping through the night so I am FINALLY sleeping!!! I go to bed around 11-11:30 and I'm up at 7. I open at 7:30. I usually only drink a coffee in the morning, but sometimes I have one in the afternoon during nap time. It feels great to finally be sleeping!!!

  9. #9
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    Oh and on the weekends, I'm up at the same time because my kid is up at the same time. But my husband and I each have on sleep in day. However, I find now that I am sleeping through the night, if I sleep in even till 9, I wake up with a headache cause my body isn't used to sleep so much. Oh well!

  10. #10
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    I normally go to bed at 11:30-12:00. I always wake up 30min before any child arrives.

    First dck arrives on Tuesdays at 7:30 Wednesdays & Thursdays at 9:30.
    Baby isn't here everyday day yet but arries between 7:30-8:00 on the days she does come. My Newbie in August will arrive at 7:00 so I'd have to be up earlier at that point.

    My own DD sleeps VERY well, I have to go wake her up at 9:00 to get the day going. On the weekends we're out a lot and late. We're all sleep-in-ers in this house so don't be surprised to find us waking up some days at 11am! lol

    I can not survive without a cup of coffee every morning and sometimes one more in the evening.
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