I'm just wondering how long everyone has been doing home daycare and how long they plan to be doing it.
I have met a lot of people who have gotten out after about 1.5 years and said it was too much for them....and then there seem to be others who have done it for over 5 years and even 10 years. (hats off to those people!)
I have been doing the home daycare since 7 months now. So far so good but people keep asking me how long I plan to do it for. These are usually friends and family. Almost as soon as I annpounced what I was going to do - they asked me for how long. Bizarre.
However....it has gotten me thinking about how long. I am not sure I am meant to do this for 5-10 years but I am not in a hurry to get out of the home daycare either. So far it is challenging but rewarding too and I have found great kids and families. I have not fully booked myself so I feel like everything is managable.

I think I am starting my realestate course this month but even so I still plan to continue through in daycare until I graduate and beyond. I might just see through until all the young ones start school. I would feel bad to just leave people hanging and forced to find new care

So...long story short....do you have an exit plan or timeline??