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Thread: Potty training

  1. #1

    Potty training

    Tricks and tips please

  2. #2
    Euphoric !
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    Hope the parents take two weeks off care and spend the time training and the child comes back knowing what they are supposed to do and then you just have to watch the clock and remember to put them on the potty regularly.

    The other method is to not start too early in care or you just waste a lot of time in the bathroom. I do ask parents to start on weekends so the child gets some "training" sessions in. When they are begining to get the hang of it then I start it in daycare. Mostly I find if a child can stay dry for naptime they are ready for daytime training and holding it.

    I just put them on the potty at what would be our normal changing times with a few more tossed in so we "try" before snack, before going downstairs to the other playroom, when we come up, ....which turns out to be about every 1 1/2 hours. Eventually they learn to hold it till the next scheduled time. I find this works better than them asking since most don't want to leave play so say nothing and it prevents that run every 20 min to piddle. Important to learn to hold it all for the time.

  3. #3
    Euphoric !
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    When my son was potty training it was summer and we put the potty in the livingroom and left him with no pants (he wasn't yet able to pull them up and down himself) and he would just run and use it when he felt the need. The urge tends to coem on suddenly in the beginning and I had a newborn at the time so I couldn't spend half my day in the bathroom! He learned quickly and has always been very independent about it since then (he just goes without being reminded). Now of course, as a daycare provider, I couldn't have a potty in the playroom, but if it is started at home then I will do something like what playfelt mentioned, regular bathroom breaks until the child is able to tell me they need to go.

  4. #4
    Euphoric !
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    Potty training

    I have a 20 month old in my care who has recently potty trained at home; she's been using the toilet at home for months in the evenings, so now her parents completed the process and apparently she tells them when she has to go and is pretty much accident free at home now and wears underwear. This week was her first week at daycare in her underwear and the first day went very well, but since then she has been having a lot of accidents. I asked her parents to provide cloth training pants to keep it off the carpet, but today it leaked through those and onto the rug again. She rarely tells me when she has to go and sometimes she just freaks out and screams when I put her on the toilet. Other times she does pee and then ten minutes later she pees her pants anyway! She has had some definite progress in that she will pee on the toilet about half the time and even peed in the grass at the park. I am trying everything I can think of to make it fun for her, but I just don't know how to get through to her that she is not wearing a diaper and she has to tell me! Any suggestions?

  5. #5
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    You need to train her all over again so she gets the message. Set a timer and every 15 minutes put her on the potty, don't ask her if she needs to go just put her on. Give her a smartie if she sits and a bigger reward if she goes. Do this full time for 5 days and I swear it will work! Good luck!

  6. #6
    Euphoric !
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    I cannot stop all daycare activities for an entire week to potty train! If I have to put her on every 15 minutes, it means we cannot go to the park or play outside...it's just not feasable or fair to the others. However, I do agree that I need to train her over again with me. I am putting her on regularly and sometimes she goes and other times she rebels. I am not big on the treat giving for pottying, but I do give her lots of praise and cheering and the other kids join in when she goes. I also lift her up to see the frog in the bathroom, which she loves.

  7. #7
    Euphoric !
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    Parents don't always realize that their child is potty trained at home because that is all they do is put the child on and off, ask them if they have to go etc. The child also learns early on that it is a way to have the power in the house in the sense that if they say "pee" every adult drops what they are doing and dotes on the little darling for a few minutes and then gives them treats. Hey I would pee on demand for that too. In daycare life isn't like that. Saying you have to pee means leaving the playroom, leaving your friends, leaving your game and going to the bathroom - not as much fun. I do not do treats here for bathroom as I feel it is a natural part of learning just the same as other things are. We don't give smarties for drinking from a cup or using a spoon or putting on our shoes or finishing a puzzle and I think potty is the same. A child just does it because they are growing up. Children stay in a pull up with me till I say. I do let some go through a phase where they wear their underwear and a pullup over the top. The child it too young to be independent in the bathroom and you need to explain to the parents that you are dealing with lots of kids and can't always take the child right away etc. Ask for pullups, or plastic pants over the underwear or ask that they get one of the waterproof covers meant for over cloth diapers but use it over the underwear instead of with the liners - will work the same as plastic pants but probably easier to find these days.

  8. #8
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    So instead of stopping activities you need to work with the problem, bring a potty to the park, there are all sorts of smaller ones, I have a normal potty I bring with me but I have lots of room to carry it in my stroller, there are smaller ones though, and I just make sure I always have lots of wipes and a bottle of tap water and rinse it out in case we need it again. Unfortunatley I see this as part of our job, they are with us more than their parents. I will be training 3 in sept and I know I have to suck it up and just do it. Waiting is the best way to do it most kids are 3 or over before they are FULLY potty trained, my son was 1 month before 3 and trained in 2 weeks..done. Because they need some maturity, and also no pee at nap time should be mandatory before you start. To me its stupid to go 8-12 underwear, pull-up at nap time, 3-8 underwear, bedtime pull-up. How confusing is that for a child!!!!! No wonder it takes for ever some times. I'm not saying I''m any better, but I'm making a rule in my contract that I will not train till over 2 1/2, and dry at nap time. These will make our lives a lot easier I think. These kids need to have bladder control and be able to understand the feeling of I need to pee. Another big one I feel is when they say to you I'm peeing in my diaper/pull-up, or I'm pooping. Then they know exactly whats going on.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by kangaroomama View Post
    I cannot stop all daycare activities for an entire week to potty train! If I have to put her on every 15 minutes, it means we cannot go to the park or play outside...it's just not feasable or fair to the others. However, I do agree that I need to train her over again with me. I am putting her on regularly and sometimes she goes and other times she rebels. I am not big on the treat giving for pottying, but I do give her lots of praise and cheering and the other kids join in when she goes. I also lift her up to see the frog in the bathroom, which she loves.
    Giving a treat I supose is up to you but it worked for me. My daughter and another 2 1/2 year old in my care were trained in 5 days. I had also a 2 year old in my care that trained himself by watching the other 2 get rewards. You just stop giving treats after a while and tell them that they have graduated and have a party!

    My daughter also after a month stopped wearing pull ups at night time and we have had 3 accidents in 9 months!


  10. #10
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    I use a sticker chart when potty training. No treats here at all! I start them out sitting on the potty every half hour or so...if they actually go then they get a sticker on their chart. No rewards for just sitting there. After 1 day of every half hour, I increase the time every day until they can go a couple hours without going. My kids have been potty trained day and night within 5 days using this method BUT they have to be ready. I don't start helping with potty training here until the child can fully communicate with me and tell me when they have to go or they are tell tail signs of it...ex. holding themselves, etc. If you try potty training before they're ready then it's you and the parents that are trained NOT the child. The child needs to be able to recognise their body's feelings and signs of having to go. I also don't allow underwear until they can go 2 weeks accident free. They can wear training pants with plastic pants over top or pull-ups but I personally hate pull-ups...they're a glorified diaper.
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