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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Innisfil, Ontario
    5 Times in 4 Posts

    Homeschooling and providing child care

    Does anyone homeschool their children while providing child care?
    (*note, by homeschooling I am referring to the authentic home schooling and not the remote learning by the school boards*)
    I am looking for input as to how you manage your children's school work/lessons and also operating a daycare business. What does your schedule look like? How do you involve your daycare children in your kids homeschooling? How do you involve your children in the daycare? Any other tips and advice would be great!

    Back story: I am seriously contemplating pulling my kids from the traditional school system and diving into homeschooling. I am not interested in the online/virtual remote learning offered by the school board, that won't work for us.
    It is evident that the school boards, teachers, and health departments are all on different pages when it comes to how to deal with the kids and minor/major illness or symptoms. They do not have a plan to continue a child's education at home while they are quarantined. Missing 2 weeks of school is a lot! With the possibility of being quarantined for one reason or another (and my daycare being closed as a result) I am looking at homeschooling.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Innisfil, Ontario
    5 Times in 4 Posts
    Socializing is not a priority right now for me. I need to keep my daycare running so I can earn income. I am looking for how other providers have dealt with running daycare and homeschooling their own kids.

  3. #3
    The COVID-19 outbreak made us to start exploring the neighbourhoods by car. It's cool, especially with a 2 person roof top tent where we spend weekends isolated.

  4. #4
    Shy pakepe9's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    Children's socialization is very important, you should not neglect it. Anyway, for home education, I would recommend looking at MEL Chemistry experiments for your kids. This is a really great way to interests your children in studying.

  5. #5

    New daycare opening help

    Hello Everyone
    I am so glad to this forum. I have read some post and getting great information about daycare. I have a big finished beautiful basement with single exit.
    I am new in this field and have limited knowledge. I am reading and learning a lot to start my daycare.
    As per my understanding to open a private daycare below actions are required
    1. Make contract form to sign with client
    2. Daycare room set up
    3. Maintaining attendance register (in and out the time of kids)
    4. Outdoor set up area
    5. Advertise daycare in different social platforms

    Please let me know if I am missing anything. Also, It would be a really big help if someone can share a contract form template. Also, Is any inspection from the fire department or any other department?

    I will appreciate any input or advice on my post.
    Many thanks in advance

  6. #6
    This is too hard. Both for me and for the children. Children must attend school.

  7. #7
    Children need good care. And also the child should be able to communicate with a psychologist at school, etc. Today, the psychological health of a person is no less important than his physical condition. And now we have the opportunity to find out the answers to all our questions in this area using high-quality Internet resources https://therapy-reviews.com/ from anywhere in the world. I think it's okay. If only because it raises general awareness of this issue, which is very important.
    Last edited by AnnaHajarajanan; 11-03-2021 at 04:10 PM.

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