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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Question Having a hard time finding another child for my daycare!

    Hello everyone!

    I am an ECE grad and stay at home mom. After my maternity leave was over, my husband and I agreed that it was time for me to put my education to good use and we decided I would stay at home and provide in home childcare. I have 1 little guy who is 18 months and I am having a really hard time finding another child to fill my 2nd space.

    Any suggestions on how to get the word out? I put a notice up at the school around the corner from my house and posted an ad here, but i've had no luck!

    How did everyone else get the word out when they first started up their childcare?

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Cambridge, ON
    1 Time in 1 Post
    For me the best way to advertise besides daycare bear is www.kijiji.ca

  3. #3
    Expansive... Play and Learn's Avatar
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    Grocery stores, libraries, schools, mail boxes, www.Kijiji.ca, Kids consignment shops, doctors offices, etc.

    I also put up my businesses on Google Places. Good luck! Isn't it nice to have your ECE to fall back on?

    Just an FYI for TanyaLynn: You cannot use the ECE title anymore in Ontario unless you're registered within the College of Early Childhood Educators. If they somehow catch you using the term, they have the right to strip you away from your ECE title. Best way to go around it, is on your posters/flyers state that you have your Diploma from Early Childhood Education. Or you can register.

  4. #4
    Starting to feel at home...
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    Hi TanyaLynn: We have an organization called Child Care Resource and Referral that offer information for parents as well as the daycares in their area. I put out flyers at grocery stores, churches, baby groups (through the health unit), I gave business cards to friends, dentist and doctors offices.

    You can call yourself an Early Learning Caregiver with your ECE diploma.

    I hope this helps you.

  5. #5
    Euphoric !
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    Another site I use here in Ottawa is called www.usedottawa.com and I know there are sites for other locations. I think the original link is usedeverywhere.com but if you go to the ottawa link and then look at the bottom for the links to change cities you can look for one that is near you. When you get to the link for both kijiji and used.... look under services for childcare. The listing under jobs is more for nannies than home care although there is often a mixture but most list under services. Always keep your ad up at daycarebear as I find parents are using the internet more and more to find care and their site will come up. The problem with listing at a school is that it sounds like you are looking for younger children than what they would serve. If you have factories or other major employers in your area go in and ask if you can post an ad in the staff room - but be aware of their hours such as shift work before you do that. It can take time to get established and then after that it is often word of mouth that fills your spaces. If there is a childcare support group in your area join it. In the nicer weather go to the park and out and about. Don't be afraid to walk up to anyone with an infant in a stroller and offer your business card.

  6. #6
    Starting to feel at home...
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    I've advertised on kijiji, craigslist, here, a few other online sites, super mailboxes, grocery stores, community center, the public school...

    I think that's it. Kijiji has been best to me so far. I have a friend DHP who only ever advertised on mailboxes, and she was always full.
    ~ Mama to 4, Dayhome provider ~

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    For me when I started out it took me a good six months to be where I wanted to be. I put ad's in the news paper, daycare ber, kijiji, made flyers, word of mouth. I also offered in the beginning some drop in care etc as that got my name out once people started coming.

  8. #8
    Starting to feel at home... Sunflower's Avatar
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    When I started out I got the most resposes through Kijiji, ads on mail boxes and this very website!
    It did take me a few months to fill up ( I was very selective)
    This time of year is a little slow I find. I have been trying to fill spot now for about a month.

    Good luck with everything

  9. #9
    Shy Amateur Owner's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    Only opened about 6 months ago and had both my spots filled. But I have one open now, I've been advertising on craigslist for the most part & at local schools. I have had some interest but not so much for the age group I'm looking for...I'm also being super selective I think coz I know more of what to expect now! I'm also doing a little drop in with a family, but still no luck with a full timer. Income going down and need to make something happen.
    I am going to start posting around the neighborhood and mail boxes you say? Are those the street 'canada post' ones, or do you go door to door?

    Is anyone else finding it slow right now?

  10. #10
    Starting to feel at home... Sunflower's Avatar
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    I posted ads all over the canada post one ( sometimes they got ripped off by the courier the same day : ( but over all it all worked out lol )
    It is very slow. I usually fill up my $7.00 /day spots very quickly but not this time !

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