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Conversation Between agesandstagesdaycare and Naftafia

1 Visitor Messages

  1. Hello, sorry if you already got part of this message, I accidentally hit a key when trying to send this and don't know if it sent or not....
    I thought I would send you this message in case you don't return to the insurance post. I simply wanted to let you know that the quote cooperators posted for my car insurance was significantly higher than what I am currently paying as well. I do not believe it is the daycare portion that is expensive, simply the company itself. When I told the agent that it was expensive and told her what I was currently paying for home and auto, she said they get that alot and that Belair is apparently the place to beat. Something to think of.... if you consider shopping around for insurance, you might get a quote for auto too! Good luck! I hate shopping for insurance, so many questions!
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