- Forum
Daycare Bear Canada - Forum
Welcome to the Daycare Bear Canada - Forum.
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Questions, issues, experiences with daycare providers.
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Points to consider and questions to ask when choosing a daycare.
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Financial aid, government subsidies and employer programs to help parents pay for daycare.
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Caring for a child at home, discussions between parents about their experiences raising a child.
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Pregnancy, maternity, breastfeeding, baby names...
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Create a listing on DaycareBear to advertise your daycare openings.
Best practices, tips, experiences, issues...
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- 1,960 threads
- 19,078 posts
Educational programs, outings, toys & games, ideas, themes...
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Menus, recipes, snacks, groceries, ideas...
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Furniture, renovations, supplies...
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Contracts, policies, forms, templates...
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Last Post:
01-15-2025, 02:16 PM
Laws, accounting, contracts, holidays...
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- 1,592 threads
- 15,585 posts
Questions, issues, experiences with parents.
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Laws, logistics, tips, experiences...
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Courses, seminars, workshops, continuing education, CPR...
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Offer a job or search for a position in a home daycare, a daycare centre...
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Life as a daycare provider: experiences, anecdotes, emotions...
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- 1,052 threads
- 11,178 posts
Networking and meeting with other daycare providers in your area.
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Talking about everything else...
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Comments about the website and suggestions on how to improve it.
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Technical support, online help for DaycareBear members.
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Last Post:
02-05-2024, 07:01 AM
A little about yourself to get to know you...
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